Looking forward to a great day:
_7:30 am - awaking to breakfast in bed (Oatmeal, toast, pineapple juice)
_ 8:30 am - Taking the boys to PE
_9:50 am - Going to Starbucks with the family
_10:15 am - Going to see "Horton..." movie with the family
_12:15 pm - Eating Lunch with my bro, mom-in-law, sister-in-law, and family
_2:00 pm - Getting the boys new shoes (may get some B-ball shoes too).
_4:00 pm - Return home
_7:00 pm - Light dinner (watching movie on iTunes - "Changing Lanes")
Now that's a great day!
Plans for year 39:
_I plan to exercise more - playing hoops, running, riding my bike to and from work!
_I plan to pray more. I am craving more of God in my life. Need to grow closer!
_I plan to work less. When I am home I want to be home and not "finishing" what I didn't get done.
_I plan to read more books. See work less ... I read a lot just want to read more.
If 40 is the new 30 . . . 39 is the new 29? I feel like I am 34!
Oh, snap! Doug Lake is 39??? No way. 32, tops.
Anyway, happy birthday buddy. Wish I was there to celebrate it with you.
New shoes? Is that allowed?
Brian - Thanks for the B-day wish. You and Danny are gold!
Here are the rules and yes shoes make the short list of exceptions.
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