Saturday, November 15, 2008

Blue Like Jazz ... the movie

I heard yesterday that BLJ will be coming out in movie form. If you have yet to read the it before the movie comes out.
The book is always better than the movie (see The Firm, Misery, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ok, I didn't read that one!).

I enjoy Don Miller and his writing. I used to like Steve Taylor and his music. Let's see if this combo comes out like a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup!

Here is a little clip to set us up!

[ht: Steve Murphy]


Daniel R. said...

The only thing that keeps me interested in this project: the genius of Steve Taylor. Then again, he did direct a movie starring MWS!

jme shanae said...

Love Steve Taylor! Hope they find and assoc. Producer? Looks like they are lookin' for one...hmmmm