Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 in Review

2008 was a doozy! Here are a few of MY memories:

// Best new place to eat: Sauce (the green leaf chicken salad ... great!).
// Facebook: enjoyed reconnecting with HS friends. Linked with a few Child-hood friends after no contact for close to 20 years!
// Twitter: I've made some great cyber-friends which have translated into great networking and I feel closer to those I follow (in a weird way).
// A few shows that I started to watch in syndication: Scrubs, House, Monk (They are all new to me! My boys dig Monk).
// Favorite songs: Love Song, Sarah Barielles | Song of Hope, Robbie Seay | How He Loves, John Marc McMillan
// Favorite Books: Made to Stick, Heath | It came from within, Stanley | Jim and Casper go to church, Henderson
// News stories that stand out: Olympics (Opening Ceremonies / Phelps) | Economic down turn
// Personal challenge: Marathon training (tougher experience than last one. enjoyed getting "back in shape" ... somewhat!) BuyingLessLivingMore - we started strong ... it was good for our refinement.
// Personal family moments: Melissa meeting her goal - I am really proud of her| my boys and our FSM (FatherSon Meetings) Gigi doing ballet | My dad's surgery | Family Pics with Daley and Julie | Dating Melissa again ... our getaway in October will not be our last.
// The Crossroads: Koina Cafe | Structure of Growth Groups | Speaking improvements | FPU
// Musical moments: Playing on Community of Grace's Worship Project - My bro | Pinnacle Forum - Joey, Andy, Gary, Derrick

What was your top memory (good or bad) of 2009?


jme shanae said...

There are too many things to just pick one. However, I must agree that the song "How He love us" had a HUGE impact on my worship!

Anonymous said...

So many reflections. You always put things a great way to read. That's what a Communications major can do for you!
I'm sooo exciting for Melissa losing all weight, and meeting her goal. Very exciting and such a HUGE accomplishment. Good for her.
Miss you guys!