Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Baby Palin Name

Sarah Palin has picked out an All-American set of names for her children. There's Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow, and Piper.

Ever wonder, What would your name would be if Sarah Palin was your mother? Well now you can find out! (first names are only needed)

Mine is Claw Washout Palin

What is yours?

[ht: @loswhit via Twitter]


Mike Slagle said...

Mine is Axe Diesel Palin. Sweet.

D.Lake said...

Nice! Axe ...

barbozabunch said...

Mine would have been Rot Pipeline Palin. Thank God for my mom.....My kids would thank me too, Tarp Lazer(Brandon, he might think the Lazer part was cool), Stake Sled (Brittany), Package Wichita(Bailey, I lived in Wichita once but he was a package of Modesto I am sure of that), and here is my favorite Skunk Grunt (Frank, I know he will thank his mom too). Thanks for the break now back to work!

Anonymous said...

marci jean, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

Stinger Assassin Palin

Stinger Assassin... I wonder if it's to late to change the name of my FF team.

Anonymous said...

Goalie Sanka Palin
What in the world- I do like her kids name's they have a edge to them! Hey- Is Edge one of her kids name's?? HA!

Melissa Loves Color said...

Pie Gallon Palin....Makes me think of eating a gallon of ice cream with an apple pie!

Derrick Logan said...

Hello. My name is Rake Trinket Palin.