2008 was a doozy! Here are a few of MY memories:
// Best new place to eat: Sauce (the green leaf chicken salad ... great!).
// Facebook: enjoyed reconnecting with HS friends. Linked with a few Child-hood friends after no contact for close to 20 years!
// Twitter: I've made some great cyber-friends which have translated into great networking and I feel closer to those I follow (in a weird way).
// A few shows that I started to watch in syndication: Scrubs, House, Monk (They are all new to me! My boys dig Monk).
// Favorite songs: Love Song, Sarah Barielles | Song of Hope, Robbie Seay | How He Loves, John Marc McMillan
// Favorite Books: Made to Stick, Heath | It came from within, Stanley | Jim and Casper go to church, Henderson
// News stories that stand out: Olympics (Opening Ceremonies / Phelps) | Economic down turn
// Personal challenge: Marathon training (tougher experience than last one. enjoyed getting "back in shape" ... somewhat!) BuyingLessLivingMore - we started strong ... it was good for our refinement.
// Personal family moments: Melissa meeting her goal - I am really proud of her| my boys and our FSM (FatherSon Meetings) Gigi doing ballet | My dad's surgery | Family Pics with Daley and Julie | Dating Melissa again ... our getaway in October will not be our last.
// The Crossroads: Koina Cafe | Structure of Growth Groups | Speaking improvements | FPU
// Musical moments: Playing on Community of Grace's Worship Project - My bro | Pinnacle Forum - Joey, Andy, Gary, Derrick
What was your top memory (good or bad) of 2009?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008 in Review
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Importance of Listening
"A society in which adults are estranged from the world of children, and often from their own childhood, tends to hear children's speech only as a foreign language, or as a lie. Children have been treated as congenital fibbers, fakers and fantasisers." — Beatrix Campbell, British journalist (1947- )
Hal Runkel: Today's society is very demanding. Many of us find ourselves running on empty and hardened to the world of play that we once loved. When we allow our schedules and demands to take over our lives, we cut ourselves off from an important connection we have to our children. We can even start to resent them for the fun that they do have because we've forgotten how. When is that last time you really listened to your son or daughter? Children generally have a fresh and positive view of the world, but we often only hear them when they complain and then we take it personally. Try letting go of a little tension the next time you see your kids and just be with them. Listen to what they have to say without trying to teach or shape them. Just sit back and allow yourself to see the world through their eyes; you might be surprised at how much fun it is, even if only for a moment.
The thing I like about Hal's perspective is that he promotes interaction and responsibility on both parent and child. Kids are not an inconvenience in a parents life. Most of the time when my child wants to show me something or tell me something ... they are inviting me into their world. I don't ever want those invitations to stop coming to me.
Let's commit to listen to our kids more in 2009 and foster responsible, respectful, and honoring people.
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
What are you shooting for?
Two-thousand and eight was a tough year for many people in America. As we start a new year in a few days, many are refocusing, resetting priorities and going through self-evaluation.
Self evaluation is great but the tough thing about that is when it's my only evaluation. I have blind spots. You do too. It's great when others encourage us but tough when it's not a complementary assessment.
As tough as it may be ... I am going to foster a couple people who know me, who can be honest with me and are committed to my growth and development - to speak into my blind spots throughout this next year.
It you are into setting goals and mission statements ... here is a good tool that I've recently used. It takes just a few minutes.
What is your number one goal/resolution/change in 2009?
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy "National Buddy the Elf" Day
Today, just for fun, answer at least one phone call, "Buddy the Elf. What's your favorite color?"
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thinking and Studying
"The author or speaker from whom you learn the most is not the one who teaches you something you didn’t know before, but the one who helps you take a truth with which you have quietly struggled, give it expression, and speak it clearly and boldly." - Oswald Chambers
To read the entire article ... click here
Posted by D.Lake 3 comments
Exponential Progress
Technology: Remember where our society was just 10 years ago? There was no iPhones, no Tivo, no movies on demand, and I don't recall knowing what a text was. Social Networking?
Check this out ... mind boggling!
[ht: flowerdust]
What device of technology / or application would be life altering if you didn't have it?
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Santa: What to tell your kids...
One of my hopes for this blog is there will develop a dialog regarding some posts. I'd really like to hear your thoughts and opinions. So chime in!
One of the most controversial topics, especially for parents is what to do with the subject of Santa. We've had a couple of approaches over the years.
The dilemma for parents is whether or not to tell kids there is a Santa who brings them gifts, thereby "ruining" the magic of Christmas - modeling to them it's OK to mislead if the end justifies the means.
Others foster telling their kids the true story of St. Nicholas and his generous heart and selfless acts.
Some have said Jesus brings their gifts. (Check out this Santa and Jesus similarity video - 2 minutes)
Still others are upfront with their three year old telling them that mom and dad give them their gifts ... not giving Santa ... or Jesus any of the credit!
There may be some questions my kids ask that are not age-appropriate for them to fully know. I personally want to create a family environment where my kids can ask tough questions, and they know I will be honest in my answers. That's what I want from them ... Now to bake some cookies for Santa. (haha)
So ... where to you lean in this conversation and why?
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
Ever tried one of these?
It's a Horned Melon. The spikey-looking horns do prick.
Taste? Think inside of a grape, meets lime, has lunch with a cucumber.
Wasn't bad ... but probably won't buy one again.
What new thing have you tried?
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Computer non-issues ...
If you rely on your computer daily for work, you can imagine how tough a day is without a computer. That was my day today.
My computer was working well this morning. After checking email and such first thing, I closed down and went to work. My MacBook "grey screened" me!
I immediately scheduled a Genius Bar appointment (at the Apple Store). The prognosis ... Bad egg of a disc. I purchased a new one at Fry's at the recommendation of the "Genius" who showed me how to change the disc myself. Gotta love 'em.
Here is the great part. I was a bit dreading reloading all the programs and such. The Time Machine feature (Apple's backup system on their new OS) reloaded everything for me. EVERYTHING ... Apps and all! It was flawless.
What do you like about your computer?
This only worked out well cause .... my last backup was last Sunday and only lost three days of work.
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Give some thanks!
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." --William Arthur Ward.
Happy Thanksgiving!
[ht: Pete Wilson]
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
What do you worry about?
I am speaking a message this weekend - "Tis the Season Not To Worry." It has nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with our devotion. (see Matthew 6)
Most of our worries or fears are unfounded but that doesn't make them any less real in our emotions. Jesus has some great stuff to say with regard to our emotions tied to our devotion.
My biggest worry is that I am not or will not be a good husband and dad. I think about it a lot and am constantly giving over to God who knows that all to well about me.
What's your biggest worry these days? Come on ... share it!
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Time Warp
Yesterday, my brother and I drive to Riverside to be with my dad for his surgery this morning. My sister Jaime came from San Diego. As we ate dinner last night, my mom cooked one of our old favorites - Pepper Pie - and we enjoyed hanging out and reminiscing.
As we sat that I felt a bit in a time warp. Mom, Dad, Jaime, Tony, and me were together for the first time (without our individual families) since 1988. 20 years! Man it was wild. We had fun and talked about stuff growing up. We laughed a lot.
If you haven't talked to your family members recently ... give them a call or get together with them.
NOTE: My pictures are having trouble uploading. Will do some later.
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Blue Like Jazz ... the movie
I heard yesterday that BLJ will be coming out in movie form. If you have yet to read the book...read it before the movie comes out.
The book is always better than the movie (see The Firm, Misery, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ok, I didn't read that one!).
I enjoy Don Miller and his writing. I used to like Steve Taylor and his music. Let's see if this combo comes out like a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup!
Here is a little clip to set us up!
[ht: Steve Murphy]
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
What in the world?
Since my trip to the Harley store, I so in to bikes ... haha
Caption Please ....
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Telling it like it is
At the airport my wife over heard a page for someone with the last name Jennings.
Melissa: "That was my last name when I was a little girl. And when I married daddy I changed my last name."
Gigi: "To Mom?"
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
That Guy!
This video has been seen a bizillion times but I thought it creative and funny. Check it out. (it's about 3 min.)
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Operation Christmas Child
The Crossroads is participating in Operation Christmas Child. Since 1963 Operation Christmas Child has brought joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love.
While drinking a cup o' joe this morning I saw a cool plug on the TODAY show! Check out the sign behind Daniel Craig.
The collection of the shoe boxes will be this weekend November 16 at The Crossroads.
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A beautiful day in the neighborhood
I am not a rider but if I were ... I'd hang out here. A lot! Buddy Stubbs Harley Davidson opened next door to our offices yesterday. While I was there, I ran into my friend Russell and his buddy.
Check out the gynormous fan!
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Rest for the weary soul
I read a great reminder for those of us who may be experiencing pain in life these days - self inflicted or not. Pain hurts! Going through stuff hurts and causes us to be restless at times.
Here is my reminder found in Matthew 11:28:
28-30"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." [The Message]
I like that. That's comforting. I need to learn His unforced rhythms of grace.
Are worn out by life?
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Advent .... Conspiracy (and other ways to give)
We heard about this last Christmas and participated a bit. This year we want to do more. (the video is about 2 min). Check it out.
God loved ... He gave. I just don't want to give stuff! We've been really doing our best to buyless and live/give more! Here are some of the ways we've pursued to be less consumer driven.
Junky Car Club
What ways have you been able to manage money a little better?
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Curly Cutey
How long has it been since you've enjoyed a good haircut/grooming or make over?
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Veteran's Day Parade
We watched our community's annual Veteran's Day Parade today. We enjoyed seeing people in our community in the parade.
It's not everyday that one gets to see a camel ... twenty feet away. Or Elvis for that matter!
I like that about our community!
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Yesterday had coffee with a friend of mine. He is one of those people who is full of integrity and who truly wants to use his gifts to benefit God's kingdom. He recently wrote this based on recent developments in his life.
Vulnerability + trust = order. Vulnerability - trust = chaos. It is interesting that both order and chaos have vulnerability in common. The difference is the issue of trust.
I trust Christ and my hope for any sense of order in the future is directly dependent on my trust in him and his way of living life. Without it I will be at the mercy of chaotic, empty promises and fear filled men.
Trust is the only way to clothe the nakedness of vulnerability. It is a fantasy for me to believe that I can get somewhere in life and never be vulnerable. Trust is the answer - believe me. I know.
Words to live by ... Thanks Rodderick!
[This is based on Genesis 1 through 3]
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Historic Election Thoughts
Here are a few of my thoughts after a long and historical election season.
:: Change is never something most humans embrace. Not sure what changes will take place with new Presidential administration but I do expect and will not be surprised by them.
:: "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." ~Victor Frankl
:: Sarah Palin is good for politics...I expect her to get a lot of experience over the next four years.
:: Barack Obama gave a great acceptance speech. Equally, John McCain's was gracious and sincere. I wanted them to remember this day, so I asked my boys to watch McCain's speech with us - They were asleep when Obama spoke.
:: Although Obama's ideology may be hard to embrace for some conservatives, booing and hissing (whining) via Facebook/Twitter about those points of difference is tactless [ht: Scott Harris]. If one feels passionate about a matter ... be an agent of change for that matter. Don't complain.
:: I understand taxes will probably raise. Not thrilled. I understand that there will be Democratic control of the big three (Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches) ... not thrilled - no party should have that much control.
:: I think conservatives should give the same support that they would want democrats to give, especially if the election turned out differently. Just thinking out loud here.
:: "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." - Ben Franklin
:: 2 Chronicles 7:14 - election or no election. If you are a Christ-follower, here is a good post to read.
What ONE thing will you remember most about this election?
Posted by D.Lake 3 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
I ran across this site ... this is a great mid-afternoon, evening - whatever time - distraction. Click the pic and explore.
Creative site ...
[ht: already been chewed]
Posted by D.Lake 3 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Campolo on Voting
This is an older segment (2006) but relevant nonetheless. Colbert's quips get me.
What are your thoughts on this discussion? (Right or Left)
Here is a newer interview.
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I was reminded recently the importance of our words. Words can poison, words can heal. Words can encourage, words can demoralize. Words can help raise confidence to a point where one dares to do what is difficult.
Maybe you're the one who needs to be encouraged today! I pray God will send someone to you to build you up, to strengthen your soul with a kind word today.
Who can you encourage today? Be for others what you need in your life. Plant some seeds of hope today.
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Getting things done - day 3
Here are the final questions to examine as we try to be more productive ... [ht: Mark Sanborn]
Question number six: Do you understand the difference between perfectionism and excellence? Many people take pride in having extremely high standards but there is a difference between having high standards and being a perfectionist.
A perfectionist is someone who has a neurotic attention to details, usually stemming from insecurity. Excellence is different. Excellence is a commitment to high standards that means additional time or energy invested in a task will be noticeably better to the end-user.
Some things are worth doing and getting done. Some things are worth doing well. Other things are worth doing very, very well. Perfectionism is the inability to know the difference.
Question number seven: Have you developed discipline? Discipline is doing what needs to be done rather than doing what you want to do. It is (also) the ability to delay immediate gratification in order to obtain long-term gratification.
Question number eight: Are your people skills sufficiently developed? There are only three real resources in the world: money, time, energy
The scarcest resource in our life is time. The second scarcest resource is energy. And if you invest your time and energy wisely, you can accomplish anything that you want to accomplish, including financial goals and objectives that you've set for yourself.
Another resource some of us have is the time and energy of other people. If you're only good at managing your own time and energy, you're not fully utilizing your resources. Leaders must develop the ability to get results with people. Your skill at getting results depends on how highly developed your people skills have become.
Question number nine: Do you suffer from the "super person syndrome"? The key is not doing it all yourself. Trying to do it all yourself will severally limit how much you can accomplish both personally and organizationally.
Question number ten: Do you procrastinate? Some people may answer by saying, "Well, let me think about that for a while and I'll get back to you later with an answer." The problem that all of us face is the tendency to postpone, the unwillingness to do what needs to be done at the moment and do something we'd rather do instead.
Question number eleven: Do you fear failure? Maybe you fear success.
Psychologists say that just as crippling as a fear of failure might be, so is a fear of success. Some people fear the consequences, the increased expectations that they have to live up to when they're successful. As a result they sometimes short-circuit themselves in their attempt to get things done. A fear of failure or a fear of success can be a very real barrier in our attempt to get things done.
Question number twelve: Have you attended a meeting this past week that was a complete waste of your time? Most of us can honestly answer yes to this question. Work at cutting down on meeting attendance that isn't really necessary.
Remember that organization and discipline, delegation, good people skills, confidence, and understanding the difference between perfectionism and excellence are the keys to productive and well-balanced lives.
My recommendation is to work on 2/3 of the most relevant questions in your situation. It may help in really making change for us to be productive. Remember: we are all works in progress.
Mine to work on is 7, 9, 10! You?
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Getting things done - day 2
Here is a continuation of the thoughts from yesterday. God knows I am the one who needs these the most! As far as the plans in writing (you will read about) I am a sticky / list kind of guy. I love to cross things out and tangibly throw stuff away. There is closer for me! (sorry for the long post).
"We must learn, individually and collectively, to work smarter, to work faster, and to do it in such a way that we don't sacrifice the quality of the results that we're producing. Here's a 12 question quiz that will help you to begin thinking along these lines. (we begin all our actions with thought ...)
Question number one: Have you committed in writing a long-range plan? In the mid-1940's, a 15 year old boy sat down to make out a list of his life's goals. He wrote down 127 goals. He wanted to explore the Congo, Nile, and Amazon rivers. He wanted to read the complete works of Shakespeare, Aristotle, and Socrates. He decided that he would climb Mt. Everest and Mt. Kilimanjaro. He wanted to take off from and land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. His final goal was to walk on the moon.
By 1986, John Goddard had accomplished 108 of those 127 goals. He knew that the key to a fulfilling and successful life was a sense of purpose and a clearly identified set of goals so that when life ended, he would have done those things that he deemed to be most important. Research suggests that very few Americans ever take time to do what Goddard did as a 15-year-old. We don't have a sense of what we're trying to accomplish on a monthly or yearly basis. The first step in getting more done and producing results in our personal and professional lives is committing to a long-range plan of action that very carefully details the things that we want to accomplish.
Question number two: Do you have a weekly and daily written plan? Most people say they have a daily plan, but not a weekly plan. I call this "knee jerk time management". Monday morning you get to the office and you have 127 things to do that week. You determine to do all 127 on Monday. By the end of the day, when the dust is settled, the list is up to 128. Not only have you not accomplished most of what you tried to do, but some things have come up during the day that you've had to add to your list. Tuesday morning you start--full speed--to accomplish the list. And by noon on Tuesday you're so frustrated at your lack of results that you wad that list up into a ball and throw the paper out the window.
Planning one week at a time gives you a greater sense of organization and focus because it lets you control your schedule rather than letting your schedule control you. Question number three: Is every item on your daily plan prioritized? Have you noticed that at the end of a typical day you've accomplished everything except the most important item on the list? This is "reversed prioritization." The easy things get done and the important things stay undone. Having a daily list is only part of the equation. Prioritizing every item on the list so that you know what needs to be done first is the next key.
Question number four: Are you consistently utilizing a system of time management? There are numerous time management systems, some with very fine selling points. The system that you use, however, is less important than the fact that you use a single system and that you use it consistently. Determine which system you're willing to commit to for at least the next year or longer and begin using it every day.
Question number five: Are you an architect or a fire fighter? An architect is one who designs the future. A fire fighter responds to crisis. Many of us become victims of other people who lack a system and the skills aforementioned. As a result, these people create crises or respond to crises that impact us. You must be proactive rather than reactive if you're going to produce results." (visit Mark Sanborn)
I know... a lot to digest. Take the weekend to think about a couple of these that speak to you. Then act!
Any thoughts?
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Getting things done - day 1
Time is our most valued resource. Once it's gone it can never be replaced.
If you are like me, you may struggle with productivity. Part of it is AAD (adult attention deficit - yeah I made that up) but part of it is much on my plate and deciding what needs to be done today and what can wait.
Mark Sanborn wrote an article about how we can be more productive in our everyday lives. I want to share segments for the next couple of days. I hope it will help you .... and me!
"There is one common ailment facing America today: even though we are doing more, we are accomplishing less. For instance, a client recently wondered, "How do you balance the various components of your day to achieve the right allocation of time?" He mentioned that his time had "competitors": work, family, sleep, education, exercise, recreation, meals, and a myriad of other activities.
How does one get more done and get more results out of each day? But...why should we get more things done?
First, we need to increase our productivity so that ultimately we can have more time to spend with the people who really matter to us. Second, the better we get at managing our time and increasing our results, the more time we have to do the things that we want to do.
Our challenge is not to put more time in our lives, but to put more life in our time."
Tomorrow, I will share 6 questions to ask ourselves about our own productivity.
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Small Adjustment: Big Difference
Einstein once defined insanity as, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I have caught myself on more than one occasion recently doing just that - expecting a different result after doing same thing over and over.
I've realized that most of the great things that happen in our lives are not huge decisions. They are the small, seemingly insignificant, decisions we make day in day out! Stuff like ... eating the right foods. Moving regularly through some exercise. Watching the less TV. Reading more books. Spending time with the significant people in your life. Putting our trust and hope in a God who doesn't change and has given us the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life - everyday!
What is a small change for me may be a big one for you - and visa versa. The idea is that we start where we are.
It may be spending 10 minutes of focused attention with your child, asking the clerk how their day is going (and listening), or letting someone know what they mean to you.
What is the latest life lesson you've learned?
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tribes - we need you to lead us
Seth Godin is a great writer among other things. He is a great thinker. Marketing and personal development are two areas which he's gotten me to think, dare I say, change my paradigm on a few ideas.
He has a new book called Tribes. Everyone is a leader! Anyone who wants to make a difference can. Tribes are about faith, respect, and a belief in an idea. You can read more about this here and here.
Download the book for .95 Cents at iTunes. You can get Free a PDF of the book here.
I am enjoying the audiobook as I type!
What is a book (leadership, personal development type) you would recommend?
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Don't Forget
I get the privilege of taking communion each week at church. It's a way to remember the sacrifice Jesus gave for me on the cross and time of fresh commitment and renewal. I never want to forget, or take for granted, the cost of salvation, the power of resurrection, and the hope there is living for Jesus.
This has made me think a bit what what else I don't want to forget:
- My first kiss with Melissa
- Holding my boys after their birth
- Seeing the look on my daughter's face on our "gotcha" day
- What it feels like to get a second chance
- Growing up in a home full of love
- What it's like to be the outsider
- Uncertainty of the next step ... and taking it anyway
- The moments the Holy Spirit touched my life from childhood to today
- The last time I caused my wife or kids cry
- Exhilaration of crossing the finish line after 26.2 miles
- The comfort and joy of being with family
- Unexplainable humility of sharing in life transformation
What about you? What is it you never want to forget?
[idea ht: Aaron Ivey]
Posted by D.Lake 3 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I like this blog ...
If you find your self reading a lot of blogs these days and are not using a reader - you may be wasting a lot of time. You can visit one place and read all your blogs in one place ... one visit. This video is about 3 min and explains it very well.
I've used Bloglines before and really love using Google Reader currently.
If you subscribe to a reader ... let's take an informal poll here.
Which reader do you use? Please let me know ....
Posted by D.Lake 4 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Combating Zackly!
You may have some stanky breath ... and not know it.
Take the test here - takes 10 seconds! You may have to test it a couple of times for accuracy!
[ht: KemMeyer]
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hard on yourself / Hard on others
John Newton (author of the hymn "Amazing Grace") said, “When people are right with God, they are apt to be hard on themselves and easy on others. But when they are NOT right with God, they are easy on themselves and hard on others.”
I am not as bad as the person who is __________ (fill in the blank). At least I don't __________ (fill in the blank). I tend to feel better about myself when I compare myself with someone else's sin / problem whether it's my coworker or the latest celebrity in rehab.
My goal is to balance grace and truth in my life. I need to give both and receive both in my life. You need both. Scripture says Jesus was full of Grace and Truth (John 1:14). He's my standard not my neighbor.
This is easier said than done - Thoughts?
To here a message about "Feeling UnFit for the Task" click here.
Posted by D.Lake 3 comments
Thursday, October 09, 2008
What does complaining say about us?
I read this last week and haven't been able to shake it:
The opposite of complaining is leading...
:: If you don't like a decision your boss makes, lead up.
:: If you don't like your office culture, lead around you.
:: If you don't like your circumstances, lead through it.
:: If you don't like your church's short-comings, lead out.
Complaining is a sign of giving up. It's admitting that you're a follower, not a leader. A leader is a never a victim. But someone who sees that all conditions are subject to change with the right influence.
[ht: ben armet]
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Now this is a jingle ...
"Meat falls off the bone..." not sure why but this cracks me up.
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
14 years today
I am grateful. Melissa and I have been married 14 years today. I've said it before...she's the best thing that's happened to me.
Posted by D.Lake 4 comments
Monday, October 06, 2008
Cards v. Bills
After living in AZ for the last three years, I finally attended my first game at University of Phoenix Stadium (home of the Cardinal and Super Bowl 2008 - I don't want to look up the roman numeral!)
Here was my view of the game. 15 rows up from end zone (which I equate to bleacher bum territory in baseball). I had a great view of the replay screen and enjoyed hanging with Derrick Logan - Great guy!
What stadium is the best venue you've witnessed a sporting event?
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Marathon Update
I finished my first week of runs. I waited (kind of on purpose) to run til dusk tonight. Not sure why but I really like the evening run. The weather was great although there was a lot of traffic. I was to run 5 miles today but purposely ran a bit more...was feeling strong.
Here was my playlist (my most favorite yet):
Where the streets have no name - U2
Unbreakable - Michael Jackson
Everywhere I go - Lincoln Brewster
Are you gonna be my girl - Jett
Typical - Mute Math
Song of Hope - Robbie Seay Band
Lonely no more - Rob Thomas
The Pretender - Foo Fighters
How He loves - Kim Walker
100 - Tommy Simms
If I never see your face again - Maroon 5 (feat. Rihanna)
My surprise of the runs was "How He loves." It's not a typical workout song at all. It's in 6/8 time but the lyrics really inspired me tonight.
Any recommendations for workout songs?
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Friday, October 03, 2008
Pass the potatoes and the values please!
Ronald Reagan once said, "All great change in America begins at the dinner table."
I see the truth in that statement. Eating together, no TV, no computer, no distractions ... just eating and talking has become a lost pleasure of life. Granted there are times where it is difficult to achieve due to schedules, etc.
I remember my family eating together as a kid more often than not and I feel it really help us remain connected with each other. In a world where it's easier to stay connected electronically rather than life on life, I am making a commitment to stay connected with my family eating dinner together more often than not.
Instead of "waiting on the world to change" how can we do our part each day? One way is the seemingly insignificant dinner time with my family.
When passing the potatoes, let's not forget to pass the values that you wish to see in the world: compassion, social justice, responsibility, and self-control.
What can you do to change your world?
Posted by D.Lake 2 comments
Thursday, October 02, 2008
In N Out ... Anthem
It's not in Anthem proper but being 4 miles from my house is close enough!
Imagine my excitement when I drove by the construction site this morning. For those who've never experienced an In N Out Burger ... sorry about that!
Posted by D.Lake 3 comments
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Giving and Getting
"Moving from a getter to a giver is the best way to achieve what you want.
Let's say you want to be mentored by somebody. You want them to share books, ask how you're doing, pray for you... but they're not biting. So reverse it. Pour into them. See what happens.
Let's say you want to build a network. You've got goals, and you need contacts. Try not asking for anything for a while. Instead, only give out. Watch how often your calls get returned.
In the social economy, givers always end up the biggest getters."
Posted by D.Lake 4 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Quote of the Day: "You are no bigger than the things that annoy you." :: Jerry Bundsen
I read this quote and was hit right between the eyes. What annoys me? Oh this ... and that ... and definitely that! Honestly, pride in others annoys me cause I hate that about myself. Another is not taking responsibility ... which is one of my indicators of personal maturity (not age).
Here is a little something that will keep you honest about yourself.
Hal's Take: "Whenever I am tempted to think highly of myself, my parenting, or even my own growth, I think of this quote. It's hard to put yourself on a pedestal when you find yourself extremely annoyed by your children, your spouse, or the woman in front of you in the grocery store line talking on her hands free cell phone instead of paying attention to the cashier. We all have our list of pet peeves. Bet you can probably think of a few right now, can't you?
If you're anything like the rest of us, you've sometimes allowed these little annoyances to get in the way of a good conversation or a meaningful exchange with your children. The next time you find yourself gritting your teeth at something insignificant, let this quote sink in and have a good laugh at your own expense. Then, consider it a reminder that it's time to stretch, because as long as there is even the smallest amount of pettiness in our lives, there is room for growth." Hal Runkel, LMFT, author of ScreamFree Parenting: Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool.
What is annoying to you?
Posted by D.Lake 4 comments
Bulletin Board Material
Day 1 of 16 week Marathon Training.
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What's your weak link?
I had a great conversation with a friend yesterday about the expectation of who we want to be ... and who we really are. The disparity is the thing that either drives us to be better or discourages us to say, "forget it, I will never attain that pipe dream!"
I like how the chapter ends: 25The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.
Chapter 8: 1-2With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ's being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.
3-4God went for the jugular when he sent his own Son. He didn't deal with the problem as something remote and unimportant. In his Son, Jesus, he personally took on the human condition, entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right once and for all. The law code, weakened as it always was by fractured human nature, could never have done that.
Bottom line: I need Jesus and his power in my life...daily...each moment! "But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." - I Thes. 15:57
What's your weak link in your life?
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
LifeShare - Day 7
Today is the last day of the week long focus of LifeShare. After today, no more sharing life! (haha) I've been thinking of listing a few things I want develop in my life. A couple of dudes beat me to the punch listing theirs examining comparison trap (which I relate to) and the "That Guy" syndrome (which I related to as well).
My rhetorical questions to deal with: (answering any one of these may open a can of emotional worms for me).
:: Why do I stay up late thinking I will get it done.
:: Why do I worry what others will think of me, if I really tell them how I feel about stuff.
:: How come do I over commit and under deliver.
:: I don't always pay attention to my kids when they are talking to me. Their talking to me IS a treasured moment. They are inviting me into their world. Do I want them to think I enjoy the computer, TV, Phone, ______ more than what they have to say.
:: Why do I try to work so much at home.
:: Why is it hard to trust others completely.
:: When did having a blog start to make me feel important. Why does it now.
:: What keeps me from being more direct.
:: Why don't I pray more than I do.
:: Why do I think I am better than what I really am.
:: How come I try to impress others with who I've met or what I've accomplished.
:: Why don't others follow.
:: I don't like my head shaved or with hair (not a question but had to get that in there).
:: Is God's Word as important to me than what I live out.
:: Do I believe the songs I sing.
Honestly, I have a few more ... but feel this list will keep me busy. Just a guy trying to work it out...trying to live it out...trying to love it out.
Answer your hearts most pressing question(s) ...
If you want a place for where others are sharing what's really in their heart....
visit PostSecret.com (warning: some of these are explicit but mostly ... sad)
(note: the questions were not meant to have question marks. I saw them as statements).
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
LifeShare - Prayer day 2
I know some were not able to leave a request yesterday, but if you have one you can share, I would like to pray for you today as well.
Hit comment and leave a message or email me at emaildlake@gmail.com
I will be praying for you at 10 pm (PST). Spread the word.
Posted by D.Lake 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
LifeShare: Let me pray for you today!
For the next two days ... any request submitted here on FWIW will be prayed for. You can either submit a comment or email me at emaildlake@gmail.com
Thanks for taking time to share your life today.
Posted by D.Lake 1 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
LifeShare - Announcement
2002 Stats ...
Where: Long Beach International (California)
Age: 32
Motivation: personal goal helped by Melissa (special thanks to JG/MM)
Goal: to finish and not walk ... check and check
Time: 26.2 in 3 hrs. 58 min.
2008 Stats...
Where: PF Chang - Rock N' Roll (Arizona)
Age: 39
Motivation: Personal, Cause TBA
Goal: to finish and not walk ... and deep down want to beat my time.
Time: 6 am (time of my run tomorrow!)
"The best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo yourself!" - Gatorade "Will to Win" Shirt.
Anyone want to tell me I can't do this ... and mean it! Bring it on ...
Posted by D.Lake 3 comments